Guided Portfolio Updates2023-08-03T09:47:46+10:00


HNW Guided Portfolios are portfolios of direct shares and exchange traded funds, managed by HNW Planning’s Investment Committee with guidance from external asset consultants. Changes to the Guided Portfolios are put forward by HNW Planning for client acceptance. A guided portfolio is a strategy, it is not a product. They offer:

  • Access to a very cost efficient and transparent mechanism to own direct shares or exchange traded funds,

  • The option to permanently exclude investments (companies) on ethical or other grounds,

  • Access to Entitlement Offers, Share Purchase Plans, Dividend Re-investment Plans, and voting rights, and

  • You’ll avoid the “black box” solution of Managed Funds that can be sub-optimal for tax management, can be more expensive to access active advice, and create a dependency on others.

May 2024

Portfolio Update – Bapcor

May 2, 2024|

This morning, Bapcor (BAP), Australia's largest vehicle parts, accessories, and equipment provider, provided a trading update for its third quarter, which was poorly received by the market. The HNW Growth Portfolio only [...]

April 2024

HNW Monthly Performance – March 2024

April 4, 2024|

In March, the HNW Australian Equity Portfolio finished strongly to gain +3.30%, marginally ahead of the ASX200 TR +3.27%. Global markets were stronger on views that there would not be a hard [...]

March 2024

HNW Monthly Performance – February 2024

March 4, 2024|

In February, the HNW Australian Equity Portfolio had a pleasing month and a solid reporting season, gaining +1.67% and ahead of the ASX200 TR +0.79% Over the month, positions in Wesfarmers (+16%), [...]

February 2024

Reporting Season – Atlas Arteria

February 29, 2024|

Atlas Arteria (ALX) This morning, the Transurban of Eastern France, Atlas Arteria, released their full-year 2023 results. Similar to Transurban, given the regular traffic and revenue updates, there were few surprises, [...]

Reporting Season – Woodside Energy Group

February 27, 2024|

This morning, Woodside (WDS) reported their full-year 2023 results, which came in with few surprises with the company providing production guidance in January and mercifully walking away from merger discussions with Santos, [...]

Reporting Season – Suncorp

February 26, 2024|

Suncorp (SUN): this morning, the Queensland-based insurer and bank operator delivered a mixed first-half result for 2024—strong performance from general insurance, weak in the bank, which is no longer an issue. [...]

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