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So far HNW has created 148 blog entries.

Reporting Season – Lottery Corporation Ltd

The Lotteries Corp (TLC), Australia's largest lottery operator, released their full-year results this morning, demonstrating that the house always wins. The HNW Core Portfolio has a 3% weight & the Income has a 4% weight to TLC. Key Points: Profits [...]

2023-08-30T13:37:44+10:00August 23, 2023|

Reporting Season – Woodside Energy Group Ltd

Woodside (WDS) released their half-year 2023 results this morning. These financial results were outstanding, reflecting excellent operational performance,  new assets, and strong demand for LNG in North Asia. The HNW Portfolios have a 7.7% weight to WDS. Record Profits: Net profits of [...]

2023-08-30T13:38:24+10:00August 22, 2023|

Reporting Season – Transurban Group

Yesterday morning Transurban Group (TCL), the Australian and North American toll road operator, delivered record results with strong growth in revenues, traffic levels and profits. It is amazing that in 2020 some "experts" were calling toll roads stranded assets, with [...]

2023-08-17T15:46:25+10:00August 17, 2023|

Reporting Season – Deterra Royalties Ltd

Deterra Royalties (DRR): Australia's only iron ore royalty trust and the most boring miner on the ASX released their full year 2023. For DRR, there is minimal scope for surprises on results day as revenue and production data were pre-released, and the [...]

2023-08-17T15:56:11+10:00August 15, 2023|

Reporting Season – Charter Hall Retail REIT

Charter Hall Retail REIT (CQR), the convenience retail real estate manager, posted strong earnings this morning, demonstrating the resilience of retail operators in Australia. The HNW Income has a 3.5% weight to CQR.   Strong Operating Earnings: Operating earnings increased [...]

2023-08-17T15:55:36+10:00August 15, 2023|

Reporting Season – Lendlease Group

Lendlease (LLC), the multinational construction and asset management company, reported with mix results yesterday morning, with this being their second year of changing the business to an investment led company from a construction led company. The Core Portfolio has a [...]

2023-08-17T15:48:30+10:00August 15, 2023|
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